Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Run down

I'm so tired. We're about to nap. This was school day #2. I haven't slept much lately. A was thrilled with her first day of grade one and her graduation ceremony. After walking under a little trellis bridge with a grade 8 student, she sat imperiously on a bench and smiled like a royal. Oh dear. She's a drama queen. I'm not sure why I expected anything different.

I spent the morning at the college, trying to determine whether or not they've received my application and if I could possibly commute (I can't). So, where does this leave me? Confused. I'm not sure completing yet another training program (remember I have 5 degrees and have been through 7 college and university programs to date) is the right thing to do. But what else am I to do? I'm burnt out and exhausted. What can I handle? Not a lot, not anything at all right now.

Which is why I'm going to crawl into bed.

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