Wednesday, August 8, 2012


It is so strange to be on the other side of renting. I am going to be a Landlord. Yikes. I just hope the people I'm renting to are reasonable. I've been drafting a lease all day. I'm not sure how any of this is done.

Meanwhile, the squacks and rustlings that E and I have been hearing behind his bedroom wall are not wasps but mice!! They are a more expensive problem, so E's not happy. I, on the other hand, have probably been living with mice for the past 2 years. The shredded plastic bags I keep finding in my garage and environs suggest that.  I've certainly been living happily with my pet squirrels for a while, feeding them all my leftover fruit. I also have a gopher living in my backyard. The renters noticed the hole and I breezily said, "Oh, that's our gopher hole, they're all over this neighbourhood."

I'm hoping I find wilderness friends here. The odds are good. I've been harvesting wild produce anytway. Last week, L and I made Sumac lberry emonade. It was surprisingly tasty and is good for you.

I'm sure there are many suburb adventures ahead.

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