Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lazy Summer Day

It's our first real weekend together and everyone is going in a different direction. E's out picking up his daughter. His son is glued to the television set. A's been drawing and making me presents in her room. I've been reading and making pizza dough for supper. The clearing and sorting continue.

A starts school on Tuesday, graduating from SK and going to first grade. There is a little ceremony for all the grade 1's. It should be nice.

Meanwhile, I had to hunt through stacks of boxes, stored for years in E's furnace closet, looking for student numbers for the last 3 universities I've attended. Thank God I found the numbers, because U of T, for instance, wouldn't tell me my old student number over the phone. Instead, I'd have to pay $10 plus courier fees to have it sent to me, only so that the Ontario Application centre would have the number and would send on the transcripts I've already ordered from them for $10.

I won't even begin to complain about my insurance debacle yesterday. I was treated with utter contempt by a Montreal call centre when my call to RBC from Alymer regarding my Ontario Insurance was routed there. It made me feel as though Francophone Quebecers really hate Anglophone Ontarians. When I said this to E, he said, "Well, most Francophone Quebecers think Anglophone Ontarians hate them."

I doubt it. They couldn't care less what Anglophone Ontarians think of them. I'm worried about the election though, because I only see these tensions getting worse.

1 comment:

Ottawan said...

Most of the "Canadians" (outside of Quebec) I know love Quebec and Quebecers. Most of the Québecois I know think that anglophone Canadians hate them. It's nice that people like you and I are around to spread the love and bridge that gap.