Monday, August 13, 2012

Closing Ceremonies Part 2

Well, I think I watched most of it, and then I watched it again on NBC with E and the kids. The thing I love about Brits is the fact that they are so self-ironizing - their eccentricty is their strength as a nation. For example,their naval glory was sent up by Annie Lennox's tattered vessel accompanied by her goth look and gypsified gentry. I like the vibrant street dance scenes and the telescoping of music history to focus on more contemporary diversity in the music industry. Then there were the parts of the show that left me (and probably the Americans) scratching their heads - Why the octobus? Why the blue suits and lightbulb bowler hats? Why the igloo John Lennon (you're not Canadians!)?

And a sidebar - why did the Canadians adopt the super casual jean jacket asssemble with casual khakis? And the Americans their preppy polo/logo look? These clothes just reinforce stereotypes don't they?

See that where the Brits beat North Americans - they challenge stereotypes, manipulating them to display their characteristic wit. I love the "To Be or Not To Be" newspaper headline. The little kids wearing Imagine t-shirts.

Their one American moment was the supermodel parade, which was really so unnecessary.

A child weeps in the night and I must cut this short. . .

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