Friday, May 21, 2010


I'm going to try to plant a garden today and tomorrow. I come from a long line of vegetable gardeners, so I think it will be okay. However, I've never done this. My apartment tomatoes didn't really work out last year, but I still have hope. I just want some fresh basil, a few things to eat, something to do that relaxes me, some way of maintaining Leo's legacy (he's the old guy who lived in this house for 30 years).

Last night A, E, and I went for a long, rambling walk along the river. It was warm and lovely and all the parks were deserted, so A thought it was really neat and she fell asleep in the stroller on the way home, which left us time for other things . . .

I do love this neighbourhood, and summer, and I'm looking forward to growing things.

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