Thursday, June 17, 2010

Random thoughts . . .

*a year on and I love E more and more (what a relief!)
*A's face is changing from baby to girl and I peer at her looking for what she'll become
*I must buy a weed wacker to trim the almost-hedges of grass around my manually-mown lawn
*Alice Munro's vision seems to be darkening
*some icky unidentifiable bugs are eating all my basil and I don't know what to do, but just seeing them swarming under the herb pot sickened me
*the river is a constant reminder to flow and I need that now more than ever, except fear (reading Munro) the darkness of the other
*green damp smells and shade soothe me on my tired-ass run
*the weekend beckons and we will be with our kids, celebrating everyday as always, which is all I've ever wanted

1 comment:

Katie Munnik said...

I love this list, you poet, you.