Saturday, September 25, 2010

Surving Birthday Week

All of these recent weeks are as long as months, they go on and on, circling back into each other, seemingly, an unending cycle. On Monday I got word that my daughter's birthday celebration was on Thursday, this after booking Friday off. My ex had taken all the information about her school party out of the school communication envelop and her teacher hadn't confirmed the event when I asked for missing information. It worked out eventually; I was able to go, but only after a shuffling a number of things around. The worst was knowing how far my ex goes to disrupt me and his daughter. There is something wrong with him.

The rest of the week was busy with work and preparing for the birthday celebrations on Thursday and again on Friday. Today, I'm recovering.

E's away, thankfully. I'm alone. This makes it easier to hole up in bed with a book and tea, work through missing hours, and prepare for a full-on day of marking tomorrow.

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