Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Literal Thunderclouds

And then the rain came . . .

It was so spectacular yesterday that I picked A up early and we returned to the sanctuary of our back yard where I'd set up my salvaged wicker chairs and her mini-pool and I sat out my our iced coffee and she played in the almost knee-high grass. Our neighbour blared rock music and puttered in his yard, throwing the ball back to A whenever she lobbed it over the fence to him. This is why I love this little house, because we can do house things, even if there are constant issues such as my recent run in with ants, my leaky inside water hose connection, and resultant dried out garden. Well, at least the rain might fix that.

The key to happiness must be to see good in every disaster. As I lie awake at night, in the middle of the night, and in the early morning, I review this terrible situation for slivers of silver. I think that A must be destined to be a spectacular person because she is really the only good thing that came of my association with her father.

(As I write, I watch the robins, big-as-chickens, scour the back lawn for worms. )

My current love had 10 good years with his ex and 2 bad ones. He's not bitter because he appreciates what he did have.

Thankfully, we also have had a good, almost-year. That makes this bearable. I know that love prevails, like sunshine, and that the reason for the rain is the growth of everything green and good.

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