Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Snow plowing??

I've been waiting to decide whether it is worth spending $350 for snowplowing. Today will be a test. I have to drive A to school, so I'm going to have one more cup of coffee and then I will try to shovel my driveway . . .

Otherwise, I'll holed up at home marking. I made this week's exam a take-home, so I don't have to go in until Friday.

I watched the documentary Mine last night. It was quite powerful. A picked it up at the library and wanted to watch it. She did watch it with me, falling asleep a third of the way through, but waking a lot through the night . . . hopefully not as a result of the show, which showed the aftermath of Katrina and the abandoned animals who had to be left behind when their owners were rescued. It is always a good thing to check our own experiences against those of others . . . it makes us appreciate what we do have, even if it is a half-foot of snow.

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