Saturday, August 18, 2012

Please make it stop

I'm so tired. For weeks now I've been on this hamster wheel . . .dealing with massive life changes. Today, I was back in my basement, cleaning. I felt completely defeated there for a while. I didn't know how I would ever get it ready in time for my tenants. Thankfully, around 2 pm E called and I asked him to come and help me and he did. Things improved after that. I was able to get rid of most every trace of myself down there. Even the tenant said, "Wow, you really did a lot of work down here."

So. I'm out. I'm out. I can't believe it. I've moved in with E.

Except . . . where is he? We took separate cars back, but I've arrived and he hasn't.

All I want to do is sleep. Last night, I couldn't sleep. I was up every hour with TO DO lists running through my head.

Now, now . . . I can try to relax.

A is with her Dad. She called to tell me she was going swimming. I asked her to talk as I cleaned, but that didn't go over so well. Tomorrow, we'll take L shopping to get stuff for her new room and bathroom. Everyone is restructuring somehow.

I just want a break from all this change. I'm not sure what the opposite of change is . . .that's positive . . . maybe peace. I just want peace. World peace.

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