Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Summer is ending, and the air is too cool for my comfort. While yesterday was still glorious, the season is nearing its end. A starts school next Tuesday - that's a week away. She's supposed to attend a "graduation" ceremony for the transition from kindergarten to grade 1. I just hope that she'll have a good teacher.

E's kids start school then too. He is anxious to get back to work. I know he has felt frustrated by his output this summer. He is usually far more efficient. I haven't done much of anything myself work wise, but I have accomplished a lot otherwise. Just clearing the house and renting it was huge. The court case was huger. Then there was our whole wedding season, which was of another order of emotional evolution. Moving here has been challenging, too.

What's next? I can't even bear to think about it.

I have to make a plan, but I have nothing to go on. All the changes of the summer, though some were long in the planning (like the wedding) came about so fast that they hardly seem real. Other changes (like the move, the dearth of courses) were entirely unexpected. I conclude that you can't always plan things, and that maybe the things you don't plan are part of some master plan you can't yet understand.

I do wonder what that master plan is, though. And who the master is.

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