Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I woke early in order to try to figure out how to enter my final marks in the new system. Unfortunately, the help desk didn't open until 8:15 am, and when it did, I was rerouted several times before final breaking in to the new site and starting the painfully slow process of mark entry and verification. A and I took a break after my first batch of entries, and walked through the pelting of freezing rain to a Timmy's for a coffee and a bagel. I returned home just in time to receive my TA's call with her batch of marks, then finally, by 2 pm, it was done.

Unfortunately, the freezing rain prevented me from honouring my promise of a day of shopping and a movie outing for A. I told her I'd make it up tomorrow and over the weekend. Instead of going out, we watched one of my favourite Christmas movies - Love Actually. It was a little difficult for A to understand, but I htink she enjoyed it.

E's kids have returned from Toronto and he's having his holiday time with them. We've split into our bio families - our most comfortable settings. Certainly, I suffer over at Aspie world with him and his children. He is equally uncomfortable (I'm convinced) with A and my effusive expressions of love and affection for each other. What to do? I'm never sure. The blend has never been easy, it is something akin to freezing rain and slush, with about as much discomfort all around.

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