Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Egads - can I handle this?

Okay, it was -31 overnight and then this morning . . . somewhere near there and dark when A and I left for the Breakfast Club. The street was icy, the car relatively snug, considering it had been in the garage overnight. Unfortunately, the streets were busy, with Aylmerites hitting the road early in order to make it in to whatever office in good time. Even leaving at 7:00 am, A and I didn't reach her school until 7:45 am.

When we arrived, I hustled her in and then tried to help C, the Breakfast Lady, prepare the hundred or so bagels, muffins, eggs, and cereal servings that she dishes out for all the kids who attend Breakfast Club at A's school. A watched patiently, but peppered us with questions as she waited for 8 am to take her first serving. By the time she was tucking into her rice krispies, I was back on the road, headed to the University and praying for a parking space. I cut it so close that I pulled into the closest paid parking lot and used my credit card to pay for what I thought was enough time, but ended up being an hour short. Not wanting to start again, I hoped for the best and took off jogging to my basement classroom. Thankfully, I made it in time to load my power point lecture and begin. It went relatively smoothly, and I was able to build in some introductions that I forgot on the first day. After class, I had to remind myself to motor back to the parking lot, which I did, thankfully, just in time to avoid a ticket. It was my lucky partking day. They don't come along often.

I was back at the school and in Mr. D's JK class by 10:25 am, just in time to help wash hands, open tupperware containers, rip goldfish bags, comment of healthy lunches, and help the kindergardeners get dressed for the -24 celcius weather (they only keep them in at -28 celcius or lower). After recess, I headed to my house to eat my lunch, then headed back to school for the afternoon recess. It was nice to wander about in the sunshine, even in the cold, even as I was admonishing 4-year-olds not to clobber each other with blocks of ice. This did happen and resulted in an office visit . . .but the ECE made the long walk there with the kids in question so that I could stay and focus on lunch duty.As soon as the clock struck 2:00 pm, I bolted and made for the car and another coast across town to the U. There were no spaces in the lot this time, so I circled and found paid parking on the street, again, just in time to arrive at the 5th floor class (no elevator) with minutes to spare.

Afterwards, I had minutes to make it to my office hours and another parking relocation to complete. The parking gods smiled again, however, and a coveted 3 hour space on Nelson opened just in time for me to take it and sprint to the office where a student was waiting to tell me my blackboard account wasn't working.

Ah, technology.

I'm still in the process of fixing that. Meanwhile, brain-wiped, I'm watching videos of rodents performing a variety of tricks to wend away the time.

My life is very dull. Busy, but . . . blurry, not to mention cold. Often dreary. But how can I really complain? Like this . . .but it's meant well.

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