Thursday, September 1, 2011


Here it is . . . the end of summer, and I am somewhat sad, because I realize, once again, that I let summer slide by without savouring it sufficiently.

I didn't write. I killed my lawn. My plans to travel north often to see my family never materialized. My cherry tomatoes split and rotted on the vine.

However, I did do some things besides grieve the progressive loss of time with my daughter, which I have to admit, seemed to make everything feel somewhat sombre.

I spent a lot of time playing with A. I did read (most recently The Happiness Project, which inspired this return to blogging). I went to cottages (my cousin's, A's friend's). I discovered The Pond in Rockcliffe (a beautiful spot to spend a morning). I worked on a play (on now at Arts Court). I went to Paris!

These next few days are the first span of 5 days without A that I've had without diversion. I am still disoriented without her and have trouble even contemplating how this will continue to play out . . .

I will try to write in order to cope, which has always been my best way of processing difficult situations and striving for perspective and a measure of happiness.

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