Friday, May 28, 2010


Tomorrow is a big day. The Great Glebe Garage Sale!! Hooray!! I have read and understood all of David Scrimshaw's advice, but will heed only some of it. You see, I must get there early. I will try to meet a friend, because I haven't seen her in months, and A is with me so I need the car to carry her and her desired item of interest (a backyard slide) back from the sale. This may not work, but I will try. E is staying home. He wished me well. He has no interest in garage sales.

Meanwhile, I did something I will never do again. I went through a car wash. I thought it would be fun . . . and ended up with multiple small scratches in my lovely Bluebell (she's our car). I was so outraged I filled them in with the car pen immediately . . . and then realized that the car wash also exposed a number of other filled in scracthes all around the car!!! How had this happened? Why didn't I notice this before? Oh . . . dear.

Soon, a little girl from up the street will be dropping by to play with A. She's the little girl who told me about the mean boys at the school A was scheduled to attend. (Meanwhile, I think I'll switch her to the alternative program - I really, really liked it.) So, I'll hang with A and T and will sip at a cool drink while they play (hopefully, in the back yard).

I'll miss E tonight, but we'll try to join him for a post GGGSale swim. He assures me there are plenty of garage sales all summer long in his neighbourhood and I'm welcome to take his daughter and mine and go . . . so I will, but not tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll attend the premiere garage sale event of the region and . . . I'll return home with a prized child's slide in tow!


David Scrimshaw said...

You planned on bringing a car and on meeting a friend at the GGGS?

People ignore my advice at their own peril.

I hope it wasn't too disastrous.

5M said...

But it worked, sort of. Hope you had fun!